New Nicki Minaj Barbie Doll Wears Miniature 'Pink Friday' Tulle Gown And Pink Wig, Looks Amazing
Posted 17 minutes ago by Chrissy Mahlmeister in Ladies

The new Nicki Minaj Barbie made by Mattel!
Photo: Courtesy of Mattel
Nicki Minaj has been a self-proclaimed Barbie for what seems like FOREVER, so how incredibly appropriate is it that Mattel is releasing a one-of-a-kind Barbie doll modeled after Nicki herself?! SO. APPROPRIATE. We love the attention to detail in this doll replicafrom the pink, blunt-banged wig to the lace-up platform stiletto boots, this an almost exact copy of Nicki on her Pink Friday album cover! (Well, minus that wide-eyed expression and plus two extra arms.) If you look close, you can see they even have Nicki's signature "Barbie" nameplate necklace (!!!) paired with her huge cuff bracelets and embellished shoulder chains. The best part, though, is DEFINITELY that rhinestone-encrusted bustier with a giant brooch that cinches her tiny waist. The tulle gown is out-of-control amazing, and we wish SO HARD we could get a closer look at her baby pink lace-up platform booties! TOO. CUTE.
The doll will be available for auction at and will be showcas! ed at a five-day event hosted by Divine Design in L.A. If you REALLY want this Barbz for yourself, you'll have to start saving up some cash fastthe bids start at $1,000 and will be received through Dec. 19. All proceeds will go to Project Angel Food, which provides food for those affected by HIV and AIDS. So not only is this THE cutest Barbie you may ever get your hands on, but all proceeds are going to a good cause! Now THAT'S a Barbie doll we can get behind.
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Tags Barbie, Nicki Minaj, Pink Friday