Tuned In: Nicki Minaj Brags About Kissing Madonna

Minaj + Madge 4EVA (Getty) Nicki Minaj kissed a pop icon and she liked it. She liked it so much she nearly exploded on Twitter. Also, it's her birthday, and Rihanna is tweeting sexy stuff at her. Meanwhile, Katy Perry is prepping to bring the LOLs on Saturday Night Live this weekend, Jessica Simpson is crying a lot, and Pitbull might make an appearance on Glee. Lindsay Lohan is gonna be SO jealous.
It's Nicki Minaj's birthday, and judging by her recent tweets, she's got a whole lot to celebrate. On Wednesday evening, Minaj Twitter-gasmed, "OH MY f'ingggg Gahhhh!!!!! MADONNA jus kissed me!!!!! On the lips!!!!!!! It felt sooooo good. Soooo soft!!!! *passes out* aaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!"
Minaj and Madge were in the process of shooting a music video for the Queen of Pop's upcoming single "Gimme All Your Love" when the smooch went down. Something about bubblegum ditties that make zero pretense of originality must've gotten these two in an amorous mood.
Minaj elaborated, "*kisses each one of my barbz so they too can taste queen madonna* I love u guys sooo much!!!! This video is of epic proportion! Love uuuu!!!"
Also: "No barbz...like...seriously...it felt soooooooooo good!!!!!!! Sooooo soft! Like what?!?!?! bwahahahhahahahahahaha!!!!"
Ms. Minaj has exactly zero qualms about kissing and telling, obviously.
Check out the famous people sen! ding bir thday wishes Nicki's way:
Rihanna: "Its @NICKIMINAJ Birthday...and I wanna lick the icing off! I want dat #CAKE --- Happy Birthday Barbz! From me and Sista Dolly lol"
M.I.A.: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! to my fav trini @NICKIMINAJ."
Vinny Guadagnino: "Oh it's my wife @nickiminaj birthday. Happy Bday!"
Michael Kors: "Happy Birthday @NICKIMINAJ! We love the shout out!"
Katy Perry works some cat lady couture in her new promo ad for Saturday Night Live. None of the clips of her interacting with Keenan Thompson are all that funny, but she does look super adorable in her kindergarten smock.
If you're wondering what to expect from Ms. Perry this Saturday, revisit the skit she filmed earlier this year, in which her chest did all the work.
Simpson family, pre-expansion. (Bauer Griffin) Jessica Simpson might have withheld her pregnancy announcement for months, but now that the news is out she doesn't mind oversharing about the bun in her oven.
The reality television personality and sometimes singer says this baby business has her feeling all emotional, telling Rachael Ray, "That's the one thing about pregnancyI'll cry at the drop of a hat. Even a grea! t souffl e would make me cry."
Gloria Estefan might not be the only Cubano on the Glee set once she films her guest spot as cheerleader Santana's mom in a few weeks. Entertainment Weekly reports that rapper Pitbull is in talks to play Santana's brother, meaning there will be one gigantic Latin explosion on that particular episode as Ricky Martin's already confirmed an appearance as well. Is Ryan Murphy feeling nostalgic for 1999?
If Pitbull falls through he should call up Lou Bega. He's German/Italian, but he's got the right spirit! Plus we'd give anything to see "Mambo No. 5" get its due justice.
Tasty beard love. Ke$ha is putting her love of beards where her mouth is in her new Tumblr. Liking the goods? On Thursday she promised more where that came from. Yum.
Also, she's collaborated with Lil Wayne, Andre 3000, and Wiz Khalifa on the remix of her song "Sleazy," which drops December 13. We're anticipating some serious sleaze.
See more Nicki Minaj photos: