Nicki Minaj Calls Her Work on 'American Idol' 'Spectacular'

"My best and worst Idol moments? I don't have a worst Idol moment," she said. "I've been spectacular. Yes, I am going to toot my own horn. And then my best moment is every single moment. I'll toot it again!"
But it's not like she's being cocky, okay? According to Minaj, she showed up "so nervous," and continues to worry about people thinking she's too mean.
"There were moments in the audition process that I would say to the producers, 'I can't do this anymore. If everyone is going to give a good critique and I'm going to be the only one being honest, then America is going to hate me. I'm going to be seen as mean.' And the producers said, 'Nicki, trust us, America is going to appreciate the honesty.'"
Of course these comments come just days after formerIdol contestant Paul Jolley called Minaj"really, really rude." And there's even a Twitter account, @RNMFAI, wit! h more than 16,000 followers devoted to ousting her from the show. So not everyone thinks she's so "spectacular." What do you think? Should she come back next season? Vote below.
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