Nicki Minaj Rocks Alexander McQueen & Oscar De La Renta In Poolside Shoot [PHOTOS]
by Alvin aqua Blanco (@aqua174) March 11, 2013, 17:43pm
Nicki Minaj needs to cave in and get an Instagram account already. Until then, the YMCMB has occasionally blessed the masses with stray pics, this time a poolside photo shoot wear she is sporting some pricey couture gear.
In the photo shoot of unknown origin, the American Idol judge is seen sporting Oscar De La Renta and Alexander McQueen. We admit we only know this because she said so. It also all went down in a city where whatever happens there, stays there.
"#OscarDeLaRenta REALNESS ,"she tweeted a few days ago, as well as "more #AlexanderMcQueenREALNESS #RedBottomREALNESS w/my boos in Vegas."
Recently, Minaj reportedly fired her glam squad so she could move her image away from the cartoonish gear she has become known to wear. She also inked a deal to bring her own clothing line to K-Mart. Chec! k out all the photos in the gallery.
No, there are no gratuitous butt cheek shots; those would be here. Or, you can peep Minaj and her star-shaped pasties in French Montana's "Freaks" video right here.
[Spotted at VIBE]
--Photos: Twitter
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