Nicki Minaj: 6 outlandish outfits

Image Credit: Lucas Dawson/Getty Images
On New Years Eve, Nicki Minaj told reporters that one of her resolutions is to stop buying shoes. Id like to suggest a few more articles of clothing that should be added to her list.
Whether shes baiting Catholics in a holy trainwreck of an outfit at the Grammys or swaddling herself in bedazzled fur to play a saucy variation of Narnias White Witch, Nicki knows how to get the worlds attention and I suspect she couldnt care less about whether that attention is positive or negative.
So perhaps this PopStyle Intervention is really a celebration of ballsiness, ingenuity, and the particular brand of crazy that sees a pair of wedges covered in plush teddy bears and thinks, Yes, this is a thing that an adult human should put on her body. Come, friends: Lets take a sentimental journey through the greatest sartorial missteps-slash-triumphs Nickis made in recent months. Starships were meant to fly and these outfits were meant to be gawked at.SEE THE PHOTOSNEXT: When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Nicki comes to me