Nicki Minaj vs. Mariah Carey: Who Won American Idols Throwdown?
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Nicki Minaj vs. Mariah Carey: Who Won American Idols Throwdown?

After months of speculation and blog talk, fans finally witnessed the showdown between Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey on American Idol last night. Tensions simmered all day during the North Carolina auditions but it was after a contestant (ironically) sang Lean On Me, that the main event heated up. Claws came out, shots were fired and Nicki ended up storming off set. So who took home the fight?

Sucker PunchWinner: Nicki MinajNicki came out the gate swinging on an unprepared Mariah. While Mariah critiqued the contestant, Nicki made every bored face humanly possible. Eyes closed, head down. Was it naptime or American Idol, Nicki? Then, without warning, Roman erupted.

Power JabsWinner: Nicki MinajOnce she was in it, Nicki wasnt mincing words. "For a minute, I thought it was a Country music debate. Why are we picking her apart? asked Nicki before outing Mariah. You make comments about everybody in Pop music!" Everybody in Pop music? We would have loved to get a list of nam! es. Nicki outed MC for her low-key trash talk and though we all know Mariah probably throws diva shade on other singers; Nicki just came out and said it.

Last One StandingWinner: Mariah CareyLet me get off the panel, Nicki threatened and stormed off. Once Nicki physically left the set, Mariah won bonus points by default for still sitting there. Nicki looked crazy and unpredictabl e while Mariah appeared comparably professional and composed. That was MY move, laughed Mariah when Nicki went AWOL. Nicki made Mariah Carey, the woman who had a public breakdown when she quasi-stripp ed and handed out ice cream on MTVs TRL, look sane and collected. Alrighty then

Low BlowsWinner: Mariah CareyMariah largely took the high road during the showdown but she brought the diva out at the next judging. The judges had been clearly instructed to play nice but Mariah couldnt help throwing in a little blow. The singer made fun of a contestant wearing a hat, calling it cartoonish, at the exact time that her nemesis just so happened to be wearing a strange hat. Sub-trash talking Nickis accessories? Youre so cold, Mariah.